Pursuant to UK Modern Slavery Act or 2019



Modern slavery is a heinous crime and a morally reprehensible act that deprives a person's liberty and dignity for another person's gain. At Attika Solutions Ltd, we have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and are fully committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operation and supply chain. We have taken concrete steps to tackle modern slavery, as outlined in our statement. This statement sets out the actions that we have taken to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business, and to implement steps to prevent slavery and human trafficking during the financial year 2020.

Our business 


  • Software development services 
  • Information Technology Specialists 
  • Data Collection Equipment 


  • In United Kingdom

Our supply chains 

We establish a relationship of trust and integrity with all our suppliers, which is built upon mutually beneficial factors. Our supplier selection and on-boarding procedure includes due diligence of the supplier's reputation, respect for the law, compliance with health, safety and environmental standards, and references.  We haven't been made aware of any allegations of human trafficking/slavery activities against any of our suppliers, but if we were, then we would act immediately against the supplier and report it to the authorities.

We act as the “main vendor”, and we will work with other vendors that provide workers to hiring companies. Some specialists might work via their limited companies. Others might be introduced to us from other businesses that accommodate such hiring. Some of the specialists might apply directly to our published adverts. All of the hired specialists are identified by our employees and apply are policies and legal requirements to ensure sound hiring processes.


Attika Solutions Ltd operates the following policies for identifying and preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operations:  

  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Code of Conduct, Bullying and Harassment Policy
  • Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy
  • Purchasing Code - Policy we have updated our Purchasing Code and supplier contracts to make explicit reference to slavery and human trafficking.
  • Whistleblowing Policy - we encourage all employees, customers and suppliers to report any suspicion of slavery or human trafficking without fear of retaliation. We provide a confidential helpline to protect the identity of the whistle blowers.

Policy Development and Review 

Attika Solutions’ policies are established by our senior leadership team based on advice from Human Resource professionals, industry best practice and legal advice. We review our policies annually, or as needed to adapt to changes.


Attika Solutions Ltd has raised awareness of modern slavery issues by putting up posters across our facilities and sending an email that is focused specifically on modern slavery to all our staff, which explains:  

  • Our commitment in the fight against modern slavery  
  • Red flags for potential cases of slavery or human trafficking  
  • How employees should report suspicions of modern slavery 

Managing Risk  

We ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant members of staff. All Directors have been briefed on the subject. Our staff is encouraged to discuss any concerns that they have.

We haven't been made aware of any allegations of human trafficking/slavery activities against any of our suppliers, but if we were, then we would act immediately against the supplier and report it to the authorities.

This statement covers 31 April 2020 and has been approved by the board of Attika Solutions Ltd at the board meeting on 01 May 2021. 

Evan Parissis 


01 November 2020